
You can earn the first half of your bachelor’s degree at Black Hawk College then transfer to a four-year college, 近或远. Read on to hear the stories of three 六氯 graduates who are now earning bachelor’s degrees at universities. 六氯 转移支付计划 allow you to transfer to a four-year institution ready to earn your bachelor’s degree.


student holding a sign that says Black Hawk College got me herebbin信誉网站学历: 理学副学士

毕业一年: 2019

家乡: 杜兰特,IA

你转车去了哪里? 印第安纳州安哥拉三一大学

你的专业是什么? 土木工程

How did Black Hawk College prepare you for a four-year school? I was always able to talk to my advisor to make sure everything was on the right track for the next school I was planning on going to. 也, 我的微积分课, physics class and my general engineering class at Black Hawk College helped me a lot in my classes today. Another great class that helped me was computer science where I learned the Microsoft Office suite.

What did you enjoy about Black Hawk College or your time here? Some of my best moments at Black Hawk College were when I was on the baseball field. bbin信誉网站给了我打棒球的机会, and I met so many different people from all around the United States. The friends I made at Black Hawk I still talk to every day. Black Hawk was a perfect step for me since I did come from such a small high school. This helped a lot in class when I could get one-on-one time with the teachers. 我在那里度过了一生中最美好的时光, and at the same time got a great education at such a small price.

你毕业后打算做什么? I am planning to work for a general contractor in construction. 我计划成为一名估算员或项目经理. My long-term goal is to start my own general contracting business in a bigger city.


bbin信誉网站学历: 理学副学士-农业转移

毕业一年: 2019

家乡: 沃伦,在

你转车去了哪里? 位于印第安纳州西拉斐特的普渡大学

student holding a sign that says Black Hawk College got me here你的专业是什么? 农业教育

How did Black Hawk College prepare you for a four-year school? Black Hawk College did an absolutely outstanding job of preparing me for the rigors of attending a large four-year university! The faculty across all departments at Black Hawk College 东校区 are some of the most talented, hardworking and dedicated people I have ever had the pleasure to work with.

Their passion for excellence in education is truly contagious, and I learned more than I could have ever imagined during my two years at Black Hawk College 东校区. The focus on hands-on learning and providing experiences helped me more than I can say. I can confidently say that starting out at Black Hawk gave me all the knowledge I needed and then some to continue my degree at a large university.

What did you enjoy about Black Hawk College or your time here? When I first took a tour of Black Hawk College 东校区 as a high school senior, I had the overwhelming feeling that I had found my home. 我受到很多人的欢迎, 教职员和学生都一样, with a genuine interest in knowing my name and my story. I could immediately tell that Black Hawk College 东校区 was more than just a community; it was a family, 永远都是.

学术知识和技能, as well as the professional opportunities I found at Black Hawk, will continue to positively impact me for the rest of my life. 更重要的是, 然而, is that I became part of a group of people who continually push each other to be their best and are always there to lift each other up. Black Hawk College was the best decision I could have made, and I would encourage anyone with a passion for agriculture, 或者是对学习和成长的热情, 考虑加入BHE团队.

你毕业后打算做什么? 当我从普渡大学毕业时, 我打算从事农业教育方面的工作, either by teaching ag in a high school setting or through extension education.


student standing next to a bulldog mascot while holding a sign that says Black Hawk College got me herebbin信誉网站学历: 文科副学士

毕业一年: 2019

家乡: 风车式的,

你转车去了哪里? 西伊利诺伊大学-莫林四城

你的专业是什么? 沟通研究

How did Black Hawk College prepare you for a four-year school? bbin信誉网站帮助我提高了学习技巧, getting used to a college schedule instead of a conventional high school schedule, 更多独立研究, socializing with people of all ages and different nationalities and cultures, 做我自己!

What did you enjoy about Black Hawk College or your time here? I enjoyed all the professors and staff at Black Hawk College and how welcoming they were. I also enjoyed the small fests they had during each season and how they really promoted school spirit. 这些课都很有趣. There was a lot of help and tutors if you were struggling in one of them. 在这里你永远不会感到被遗弃!

你毕业后打算做什么? I honestly want to continue in a career at Black Hawk College. I went from student worker in 建议 to a part-time employee at the Welcome Desk. 我的目标是继续在这里做全职工作!