

Plan on Zooming in for Get Involved ClubFest at noon Wednesday, Jan. 27 to learn more about Black Hawk College clubs for both campuses.

Get Involved ClubFest will also include impressionist Justin Rupple, 他的节目中午12点半开始.m.

In addition to clubs, the college also offers a variety of student life opportunities. During COVID-19, these have included virtual events and grab-and-go activities.

[icon name= " comment " class= " fa-button "] “BHC 学生生活 wants you to know that we will continue to provide safe programming to allow students who want to get or stay involved!——学生生活主管Jana Koch & 订婚

[icon name= " comment " class= " fa-button "] “We pivoted our programs this fall semester to engage students in a variety of activities that respected the college’s COVID-19 guidelines.” – Vashti Berry, Coordinator of Orientation and Educational Advisor (东校区)

If you can’t make the Get Involved Clubfest event, explore 社团和学生生活 bbin信誉网站的在线课程.

Read on for active students’ thoughts on what they enjoy about their clubs and why you should get involved.

Keeghan Kinsella

a group of masked men around a table with power tools and flags

Black Hawk College student Keeghan Kinsella (under the flag) working with the Optimist Club.

家乡: Kewanee,伊利诺斯州

校园: 东校区


参与: 美国学生退伍军人协会(秘书/司库)

What have you enjoyed about being involved with clubs this school year? 另外,你对这学期有什么期待?

This past school year, I have enjoyed meeting current and former veterans as we work alongside them. I am looking forward to becoming a stronger leader and helping out the community more.

Why should other students get involved by joining a club or organization?

Other students should get involved in clubs and organizations, 不仅因为这是一段美好的时光, but also because you get to meet many different people. 通过加入俱乐部, you are able to gain leadership skills and also expand your connections throughout the school and community.


穿着bbin信誉网站连帽衫微笑的女学生家乡: 雷诺兹,伊利诺斯州

校园: 这些城市的校园


参与: Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society vice president of service

What have you enjoyed about being involved with clubs this school year? 另外,你对这学期有什么期待?

I have enjoyed being involved in PTK because of the different opportunities that it can provide, such as scholarship opportunities and ways to make an impact on the community through different service projects. 尽管今年并不理想, it did allow us to be able to participate in different conferences over Zoom with chapters from all over Illinois, 否则我们可能无法做到这一点. Something I’m looking forward to this semester is finding fun and unique ways to connect with members by hosting some virtual games and contests.

Why should other students get involved by joining a club or organization?

Getting involved at Black Hawk is something that can be really rewarding. Not only is it something that you can put on a résumé, but by getting involved you are able to meet new people with your same interests and is a great way to branch out and get more connected with the school. I think that students who are looking to get involved at BHC should definitely consider joining Phi Theta Kappa. The great thing about being in this group is that you can be as involved as you want, 所以加入并没有什么坏处. 只要成为会员, there are a lot of scholarship opportunities that are available, 哪些对转校生真正有帮助.



校园: 这些城市的校园


参与: President of the Association of Latin American Students (ALAS), co-president of Sigma Kappa Delta (English honor society) and member of Phi Theta Kappa

What have you enjoyed about being involved with clubs this school year? 另外,你对这学期有什么期待?

虽然现在形势很艰难, I have enjoyed working with all club members to create events that are available for the whole school. 专门针对阿拉斯, I am excited to start fun and educational projects this semester and to introduce more members into the club! 上学期, we made a Dia de los Muertos virtual event to educate students on this well-known Latin tradition, and we are currently planning on something similar for this semester.

Why should other students get involved by joining a club or organization?

Students should strive to join clubs or organizations because it is a good way to meet other people and to take part in being with amazing groups of people that have common interests. 在唉, we strive to educate and inform people about Latin-American cultures and struggles while not only representing the Latin population on campus, 而且在社区中也是如此.