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Phi Theta Kappa logo with key on top四城校区Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会分会的成员正在为他们的2021年大学项目撰写PTK帖子. 大学项目是PTK分会参与和回馈他们的大学的一种方式.

PTK Posts的目标是让四城校区PTK成员分享学生的故事和信息,以帮助当前和未来的BHC学生在他们的大学经历中取得成功和快乐.

In this post, Leah Mueller,  PTK vice president of service, 分享她关于选择转学学校和准备从bbin信誉网站转学的建议!

Name: Leah Mueller
Hometown: Reynolds, Illinois
Program: Associate in Arts
BHC activities: Phi Theta Kappa

bbin信誉网站(Black Hawk college)等社区学院完成学业后转校可能是一个有点可怕的想法, but for me, the idea of picking which school I wanted to smiling female student in a Black Hawk College hoodietransfer to was even more daunting. There are so many difficult questions that need to be answered, 而且很难做出一个似乎会影响你生活中如此重要部分的决定.

My name is Leah, 我马上就要转校了,还是bbin信誉网站大学Phi Theta Kappa的一名官员. 这是我对转校生的个人建议,也是我希望在转校生的过程中我能知道的. 当一个PTK成员向他询问转会过程时, it made me wonder if I was even qualified to give advice on how to transfer. While I don’t know all of the ins and outs of how to transfer, and how to make the best decision, I think what I have learned along the way might be helpful for other students.

How do I decide where to transfer?

Many students wonder how to narrow down their transfer school options. 这绝对是最棘手的问题之一,老实说,它可以归结为许多不同的因素. I would start by asking yourself what you want in terms of size, and thinking about what you can afford. This will help narrow down what is available to you and you can choose from there.

仅仅通过网站很难对你感兴趣的大学有一个大致的了解, 所以我发现在Instagram等平台上关注你感兴趣的大学很有帮助. This is a great way to get a feeling for the college, their events, organizations, and the student involvement on campus, especially if you aren’t able to take a tour.

Although not all schools are offering campus tours, 许多学校开设了虚拟校园之旅的选项,让未来的学生在做决定之前先熟悉一下校园. While this might not be the most preferred option, this is still a helpful tool in making your decision.

How do I make sure my credits will transfer?

我被问到的另一个问题与学生应该问他们的问题有关 advisors 在转学之前,学生如何确保他们拿到了正确的学分. 对此,我最大的建议是确保你与你的BHC顾问进行沟通.

Black Hawk is known for being a school that transfers credits really well, 所以,当涉及到你正在学习的课程和完成你计划转到的大学的适当学分时,与你的导师保持联系, you should have no problem meeting all of the qualifications.

In addition to this, 你还需要确保你与你计划转学的学校的顾问保持联系. 这将确保没有空缺,确保你顺利完成转学. 通过与两组顾问交谈,你也可以知道你可以在bbin信誉网站学校选修哪些课程,这样你就不会在转学学校获得任何学分. If you do this, you’ll save money and time.

What else should I be doing?

Lastly, you’re probably wondering a couple of things like, when do I need to be doing this, or what are the main things I need to focus on? 我认为大多数学生应该关注的两个主要问题是找学校和奖学金.

Finding a school can depend on the scholarships available, but programs offered, organizations or extracurricular activities offered, and overall feel of the school should all definitely be taken into consideration. 奖学金对很多人都很有帮助,有很多奖学金可以利用.

在参加Phi Theta Kappa的虚拟会议时,一个面带微笑的学生坐在桌子旁你可以通过bbin信誉网站基金会申请奖学金,帮助你在bbin信誉网站学习期间, as well as applying for scholarships at the school you are transferring to. One perk of being in Phi Theta Kappa is scholarship opportunities. PTK管理奖学金,还有数百所四年制学院和大学为PTK成员提供指定的转学奖学金.

我在转学过程中学到的一件事是,不要以标价来判断一所大学, especially private ones. 在我真正开始研究我可以获得的不同奖学金之前,我不认为私立大学会是我的选择. Now I am transferring to Augustana College!

As for when a person should begin searching, deciding, and applying, I would say that there’s no time like the present. The earlier you can get some of this done, the lighter your stress load will be. But coming from a procrastinator, 我认为一个比较现实的目标是在社区大学第一年的暑假和第二年的秋季学期中间做出决定. This way, 你将在春季学期剩下的时间和明年夏天申请奖学金,并为转学做好一切准备. It might seem like you don’t have much time, 但在夏天考虑这个问题,你就有很多空闲时间四处看看,探索你的选择.

Setting yourself up for success

In all, 选择一所你想转学的大学并做好准备可能是相当令人生畏的, 但你必须记住,在宏大的计划中,你不会永远在那里, and no matter where you go, it is what you make it. You will make friends and learn new things, just like you did at Black Hawk.

Getting started now, taking the time to do some digging, 利用bbin信誉网站提供的资源是减轻你自己压力的好方法,可以帮助你更容易地做出决定和转移过程. This way, you can be set up for success at your next school. 此外,不要忘记,如果做决定需要一些时间,那也完全没有关系.

Phi Theta Kappa is the largest honor society for two-year college students. Black Hawk College has a PTK chapter at each campus. The honor society focuses on leadership, fellowship, service and scholarship. Our members lead the chapter each year, hold meetings and activities to help students build a network with other students, participate together in service opportunities on campus and in the community, and are recognized for their high academic success. PTK has many scholarship opportunities for members, 无论是转到另一所大学,还是在BHC毕业后加入职场. For more information about PTK, visit or email our Quad-Cities Campus Chapter Advisor Nicole Banks.