6 people standing in front of nursing banner with framed Black Hawk College pennant

Dr. 杰里米·托马斯。, president of Black Hawk College • David Emerick, treasurer of the Black Hawk College Foundation Board of Directors • Zenaida Landeros, executive director of the Black Hawk College Foundation • Dr. 温迪Hilton-Morrow, niece of the late Stanley Anderberg who created the endowment in memory of his late husband, 詹姆斯·柯宾•博纳·希尔顿, 博士的母亲. Hilton-Morrow and sister of the late Stanley Anderberg • Dr. 杰伊·莫罗,博士的丈夫. Hilton-Morrow

Dr. 温迪Hilton-Morrow has fond memories of spending time with her uncles as she grew up. 他们很相爱, giving people who cared for others – one working as a nurse, 另一个是呼吸治疗师.

虽然两人都已去世, their desire to help others will benefit Black Hawk College nursing students for years to come.

11月. 20, the Black Hawk College Foundation announced that a $250,已为新人设立了1万英镑的捐款 詹姆斯Cobin Class of 1976 Endowed Scholarship for full-time nursing students at Black Hawk College.

在他2022年6月去世之前, Black Hawk College alumnus Stanley Anderberg decided to create the endowment in memory of his husband, 詹姆斯Cobin. Cobin – who died in January 2017 – graduated from the Black Hawk College nursing program in 1976.

作为护理领域的男性, “Uncle Jim” was a pioneer at a time when fewer than 3% of nurses were male, 他的侄女说. Cobin was the president of his nursing class and shortly before he died, gave Dr. Hilton-Morrow his Black Hawk College nursing pin.

詹姆斯Cobin's 1976 Black Hawk College nursing pin in holder

詹姆斯Cobin’s 1976 Black Hawk College nursing pin

For Cobin, nursing was not a profession, but a calling, she said.

The caring and compassion for others that two Black Hawk College alumni showed in life will continue with the 詹姆斯Cobin Class of 1976 Endowed Scholarship.

“Black Hawk College was important to both of them,” Dr. Hilton-Morrow说.

“We are beyond grateful for the opportunity to connect with the family and share this exciting news,泽纳伊达·兰德罗斯说, executive director of the Black Hawk College Foundation.

“Thanks to the heartwarming and generous gift from Stanley Anderberg, we are able to support BHC programs and transform BHC students’ lives,”她说。.

woman with arms around 2 men in scrubs standing on sunny balcony

Dr. 温迪Hilton-Morrow with her uncles, Stanley Anderberg and 詹姆斯Cobin


Stanley Anderberg was born in Davenport and grew up in Moline, 1969年从莫林高中毕业. He graduated from Black Hawk College then Western Illinois University with a degree in education. While he never taught school as his formal profession, his love of learning persisted throughout his life.

During college, he met 詹姆斯Cobin while on a trip to Germany. Cobin, a native of New York state, was stationed in Germany with the U.S. 军队.

After college, Anderberg worked for Deere Harvester Works in East Moline. 在20世纪80年代农机具危机期间, Anderberg lost his factory job and returned to college to earn a degree in respiratory therapy.

Cobin joined Anderberg in the Quad Cities and enrolled at Black Hawk College. He graduated from the nursing program in 1976 then worked as a nurse at Moline Lutheran Hospital. The couple lived in Rock Island until 1987 when they moved to St. 佛罗里达州皮特海滩.

Both worked at Bay Pines VA (退伍军人 Affairs) Hospital. Cobin retired in 2012 and Anderberg retired in 2013. 这对长期伴侣于2015年5月结婚.
